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Serenio instantly neutralizes coronaviruses.
Enjoy peace of mind with the only device proven to disarm coronavirus in the air and on hard surfaces

Serenio Safety Certification and Testing Validations
Serenio is safe for humans and pets when used in a closed environment. No chemicals are used in, or created by, the device. It does not Ionize the air, nor does it produce and ozen - it only emits electrons, which we are constantly surrounded by and cause us no harm.

Who is Serenio for?
Serenio can be used in any enclosed environment where people can gather.
It is a plug-and-play device with virtually no setup required. Simply Plug it in and can run 24/7. Uses about the same amount of power as a 40-watt light bulb.
Device can be mounted on walls or placed on tables, depending on crowd size of indoor environment
Pre-schools and day care centers
Elementary, high schools, colleges and universities
Surgery centers and medical offices
Office building and conference centers
Hotels, gyms and sports training centers
Bars and restaurants
Places of worship
Private residences